The current Chiesa di Santo Stefano (St. Stephen’s Church) was built in 1586. It replaced the old church dating back to the thirteenth century and called after the same saint. This church was destroyed during a French pillage in 1529. The inside is characterized by two bells and a dome, a barrel-vaulted nave and a sacristy with a cross vault. This is the seat of the Arciconfraternita di Santo Stefano dal Sacco Rosso (Archconfraternity of St. Stephen with the Red Bag). The Neapolitan sixteenth century wooden simulcra, carried on Holy Friday are preserved here: Cristo orante nel Getsemani[ Christ praying in Gethsemane], Cristo flagellato[Christ scourged], Cristo deriso (or Ecce Homo) [Christ mocked], Cristo carico della croce (Christ carrying the cross), Cristo morto (dead Christ). The paintings of the “Madonna del Carmine” (Madonna of the Carmine) and the “Arcangelo e Tobiolo” (Archangel and Tobias) made by Corrado Giaquinto are also preserved in this church.
Foto di Franco Stanzione